ELENA JAHN 1938 - 2014 Artist of Maine and Puerto Rico and beyond
EDUCATION Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting) 1959
Syracuse.University, Syracuse, NY
Master of Fine Arts (Painting) 1961
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
AWARDS Fellowship:
Skowhegan School of Painting/Sculpture 1955
Fulbright Grant – Painting:
Paris, France 1959-60
Maine State Arts Commission 1884-1994
Tropic Ventures, Puerto Rico 1988-1993
WORK HISTORY Studio Artist:
Monhegan Island, Maine 1959-2014
Culebra, Puerto Rico 1993-2014
College Art Instructor 1961 – 1985:
University of Maine,; Colby College; University of Rhode Island;
Norwegian State Art Academy; Nova ScotiaCollege of Art and Design University of Wisconsin
Other Work:
Art Workshops and Residencies in Public and Private Schools and with Mentally and Physically Challenged Programs in Maine; Education Conferences for Teachers and Artists; Guest Lecturer; Exhibition Coordinator; Juror; Reviews of Exhibits; Catalogues; Master’s Thesis; Interviews; Gallery Talks; Studio Demonstrations; Invitational Exhibits; Murals.
Heron Point Gallery: “A Collection of Life’s Work”
Portland, Maine August and Sept. 2015
Gold/Smith Gallery: “Waves and Rocks”
Boothbay Harbor, Maine July 1999
Davidson and Daughter: “Figures”
Portland, Maine Sept, 1999
Gallery One: 1998 August, “New Work”
Nobleboro,, Maine August, 1998
Gallery One: “Watercolors?Drawings From Monhegan”
summer, 1996
O’Farrell Gallery: “Figure Drawings From Puerto Rico”
Brunswick, Maine September, 1992
Portland Museum of Art: “Perspectives Dos Islas – Two
Islands” Portland, Maine July-Sept. 1991
Frick Gallery: “Works of Elena Jahn”
Belfast, Maine Aug-Sept. 1991
Galeria de El Escenario: San Juan, PR April 1991
Barridoff Gallery: Solo Shows, Portland, ME 1984, 1981
Owen Gallery: Bethel ME 1983
Governor’s Gallery, State House, Augusta, ME 1983
Elliot Gallery: Bath, ME 1978
Hera Gallery: Wakefield, RI 1975
Main Gallery: “Northern Places - Paintings from Norway
and Maine” Art Center, Univ. Rhode Island 1972
Willard Straight Gallery: Cornell Univ. Ithaca, NY Granville Gallery: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 1963
Nova Scotia College of ArtL Halifax, Nova Scotia 1963
Univ. of Wisconsin, “Master’s Exhibit” Madison, WI 1961
Gallerie de le Cite: Paris, France 1960
GROUP EXHIBITIONS Univ. of New England Art Gallery: “On Island, Women
(SELECTED) Artists of Monhegan” Portland, ME 2007 +
Farnsworth Gallery: “Monhegan, The Artist’s Island”
* Juried Rockland, ME Oct. 2004-June 2005
+ Invitational Meridian International Gallery: “52 Fulbright Artists”
Washington D.C. 1997 *
Gallery One: “Monhegan Elements” Nobleboro, ME 1997
Maine State Arts Comission: “Visions of Monhegan”
Augusta, ME 1996 +
Maine Coast Artists Gallery: Portland Museum of Art
“Skowhegan: 50 Years” Portland, ME +
Round Top Center for the Arts: “6 Women Artists”
Monhegan Energy” Damariscotta, ME 1995 +
Babcock Galleries: “The Artist as Native-Images with a
Sense of Place” New York City, 1993 +
Monmoth Museum: “Maine Painting” New Jersey 1992 +
Maine Coast Artists Gallery & Portland Museum of Art:
40 Years of Maine Painting” Portland, ME 1992+
Galeria de El Escenario, San Juan, PR 1991 +
Botello Gallery, Old San Juan, PR 1990 +
Hera Gallery, Wakefield, RI 1989 +
Susan Cummins Gallery: “Small Collages”
Mill Valley, CA 1986 +
Walker Art Museum, Bowdoin College: “15 Maine Artists”
Brunswick, ME 1984 +
Portland Museum of Art: “Group Show”
Portland, ME 1984 +
University of Maine Art Gallery: Orono, ME 1983 +
Art Gallery, Univ. of Southern Maine: Faculty Shows
Gorham, ME 1980-1986
Barridoff Gallery: Portland, ME 1979-1986
Airport Associates Gallery: Larkspur, CA 1979
Walker Art Museum, Bowdoin College: “All Maine
Biennial” Brunswick, ME 1979 *
Maine Coast Artists Gallery: Rockport, ME 1979 +
SoHo 20 Gallery: “Hera at Soho” NYC, NY 1976
Woods-Gerry Gallery: RISD, Providence, RI 1976 +
Bristol Art Museum: Bristol, RI 1975 *
Green Mountain Gallery, Soho, NYC, NY 1974 *
State Academy of Art: “Etchings” Oslo, Norway 1971 +
National Academy of Design: New York City, NY 1968
Maine Gallery: University of Rhode Island, RI 1968
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts: Montreal, Canada 1963*
Dalhousie University: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 1963
Milwaukee Art Center: “Biennial” Milwaukee, WI 1961*
Munson-Williams-Procter Museum: Utica, NY 1959 *
Everson Art Museum: Syracuse, NY 1958 *